Thursday, 27 January 2011

LeHornet - Energy Part Two (Guest and Family of Radical Poetry)

I am starting to recognize the energy within,

A feeling non describable to those who stay deluded.

Everyone can posses this feeling,

no matter a person’s status.

A poor man just has to stop thinking


A rich man has to stop working.

For thinking and working are both struggles and misguided energy.

True energy is a limitless law like the universe.

You need not to live a life of compromise,

but improvise.

Inner energy is hard to control if you let outside powers influence you.


(Photography: RadicalBoulevard)

LeHornet's first published book 'Just Your Everyday Thoughts.' will soon be available from a fine book store near you.


messytimbo said...

copped! lovely photo man

Anonymous said...

Thanks to the person who is promoted and devoted A.K.A you.

one man can't convince the world but to can make a conceive an idea. thanks again my brother

and see you in the stars constellation Radical Blvd. bzzzz