Tuesday 31 July 2012

Not a Review - Brave New World by Aldous Huxley (wriiten in 1931 and published in1932)

I've just finished reading this quite charming yet disturbing book of Aldous Huxley's 'fiction' Brave New World which was written in 1931. Their were times reading this book where I had a sudden urge to feed it into a paper shredder and throw the confetti on a bonfire and watch it go out in flames.

It is a difficult read and quite often I was confused as to what was happening.

The style of A.Huxley writing is fast paced and frantic, I can imagine that Darren Aronofsky (directed Requiem for a Dream, Pi etc) would be the only man to truly capture the boarder line schizophrenic story line.

It is noisy and chaotic giving the reader a feel of what it would be like to witness these events with a conciseness mind.

Yet according to the author himself, he believes that this 'fiction' is a more accurate prediction of the future (now) then George Orwell's 1984 (again now).

Babies will not be born to parents but be 'decanted' from test tubes. Their will be no Ma'ma or Pa'pa to speak of. At one time over 500 babies can be 'decanted' in mass production factories and takes a matter of days to be born which then they will be designated into three social classes. Then the conditioning starts.

One particular early chapter that shocked me was the conditioning processes. It made a profound effect on me because we are subjected to all these processes right now with T.V, film, music, video games etc that we sometimes don't stop and evaluate why we are the person we are today and in the case of young kids, who they will be in the near future.

The story grows and the frank, graphic narrative is like a smelly foot in the face, the impact and the aroma lingers well after the initial blow.

Easy to Read: 3/5
Truth in Fiction: 4/5
Story: 5/5

The poster above is my reaction to 'Brave New World' which has one the conditioning songs featured in the book.

1 comment:

Le Hornet said...

You make deep reviews, can;t wait to see Just your everyday thoughts review. R.B baby.