Sunday, 4 May 2008


Prospective drawing is something I don't usually indulge in so here are some drawings I've attempted in this ohso tricky technique. I got inspired by Tim who told me to draw everything ("draw that gash blud") to get better. The first 3 are drawings on a bus to/from hell on earth (WestEnd) and the last one is a drawing I did sat on the SevenDials (Covent.G) with my pal Alex aka ArcadePerfect.

1 comment:

messytimbo said...

Good man! keep them coming. As crude as the perspective is, I still think that you get a sense of it. But I think it'd be well worth looking into basic one and two point perspective drawing techniques. perspective drawing is something I’m pretty shit at, but the ways I like seeing sketching with perspective is when it’s drawn by eye (like you have) but showing that knowledge of the techniques. I think it looks more a like a personal interpretation of what one is seeing, and that makes for an interesting drawing.