cool man. i like these a lot. i really like how you've re-tackled that head over and over. it show your determination to get something right, which is how we improve.
dude i went down to that grannies center for life drawing on monday but i missed it. i'm going next monday, it's 1.30 to 4.30
cool man. i like these a lot. i really like how you've re-tackled that head over and over. it show your determination to get something right, which is how we improve.
dude i went down to that grannies center for life drawing on monday but i missed it. i'm going next monday, it's 1.30 to 4.30
this lauren hill track is so inspiring. deep
buckminister Fuller, the real!
this is a great interview. but there's more on youtube. there's one called everything i know which is amazing as well
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